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Pay BB at Links will all open in a new window - close it when done viewing NOTE!!! If you want to send anyone a link, click on the link below,then copy the link (^C) from the browser address bar, and paste into your email.
PDF FLIPBOOKS Note: PDFs can be downloaded via the icon next to the speaker in the control bar at the Old flipbook TPC-0101-181017-links-audio-RS.pdf with embedded audio 1. audio will NOT play in browser! Right-click and "Save Link As" or "Save Target As" to download to your PC 2. then view it with Adobe Reader DC or newer 1995 CHICAGO CHEETAHS (Roller Hockey International)
MILITARY TRIBUTE VIDEOS HD 2019none aired yet - waiting on Stan for final v/o07/31/19 Hacienda / La Cabana TXG1908HACI01-wCG-Matthew-720-190731 Hacienda / La Cabana TXG1908HACI01-wCG-Matthew-Salli-720-190731 07/01/19 Fairway Market TXG1906FAIR01-720-0701-vo5 Final??? 06/30/19 Fairway Market TXG1906FAIR01-720-0630-vo5 PRELIMINARY pending new photo 06/06/19 Multiple Client Tests TXG1906SCROLL1-Joanna-720-0606 Joanna v/o Multiple Client Tests TXG1906SCROLL1-Matthew-720-0606 Matthew v/o Multiple Client Tests TXG1906SCROLL1-EmmaEN-720-0606 Emma (BJ lady) v/o 201801/10/18 Fairway Market TXG1801FAIR01-720-0110-vo5 latest vo2017 (none aired)01/30/17 Belson Steel TXG1701BELS04-test4 newest version - 3 older versions belowTXG1701BELS01-test.mp4 TXG1701BELS02-test2.mp4 TXG1701BELS03-test3.mp4 01/31/17 Hacienda TXG1701HACI01-170131 newest version - unfinished never got vo 01/31/17 La Cabana TXG1701CABA01-test1 newest version - unfinished never got vo 03/28/17 Sand Lake Auto TXG1703SAND1-170328 newest version with waving checkered flags 04/04/17 Final Inning TXG1703FINA1-170404 Version 1 08/07/17 Final Inning TXG1708FINA2-720-170807a Version 2 - added her pics 10/25/17
All of these are SD - most aired on Comcast™. Mendota Lutheran Home "Come See The Difference" JP Chevy - As seen on 2008 ESPN Monday Night Football (Bears game 12/22) Ottawa Honda - As seen on 2008 ESPN Monday Night Football (Bears game 12/22) The Property Merchants - Real Estate - Luxury Homes Festival 56 - Illinois' Largest Summer Festival Princeton, IL - 12 Days Of Christmas - conforms to Bureau Of Tourism Specs for logo on TV US Rt 66 - Red Carpet Corridor - presented by Garden Gate Home Decor & Bakery HOLIDAY STUFF 08/12/18 Generic Holiday Stock Clips Holiday Clips getting ready for Holiday Promotionwait till next year... GOD STUFF is at St. Pats links are there - use that page for LINKS onlydon't send anybody there - clients might not appreciate the religious humor ADDICTION STUFF incl A.S.S. Defender 09/23/17 GSSDefender-H-DeathStar.mp4Original - "H" Death Star over AK w A.S.S. Defender fly-by 09/24/17 GSSDefender2-H-DeathStar.mp4 Different fly-by 10/01/17 GSSDefender4-H-DeathStarBlowup.mp4 New text - Capt Nalox - syringes whiz by - Death Star blows up 10/04/17 GSSDefender5-Syringes.mp4 More syringes & closer up - Capt. Heal - no Death Star 10/04/17 GSSDefender6-Syringes-vo.mp4 VO replaces text - Capt. Heal, 1st Officer Hope 10/05/17 GSSDefender7-SyringeEcs-vo.mp4 1st pass with Ecstasy models 10/05/17 GSSDefender9-SyrEcsMulti-vo.mp4 smoothed out Ecstasy pills - added variations 10/07/17 Pills-Dimitri.mp4 new pill models - green Dimitri - added KHM logo 10/08/17 Pills3-Dimitri-WH.mp4 even more pill models - White House live action BGs dissolve to space IN THE NEWS 05/31/19 Tucker Carlson UFO segment (edited to mp4)04/29/19 Tribune - Harvest Bible Chapel terminated from national accreditation group 02/13/19 harvest bible chapel moves quickly to fire founder macdonald after recordings air 02/??/19 des plaines river bridge on i-80 found structurally intolerable MUSIC/AUDIO Wild Electric Lunatic Night10/27/99 Slim Chance - Cryin Cowboy Blasts From The Past From Channel 9 'Chicago's Very Own'Classic Victory Auto Wreckers w nutbusting car door, old Sox cmcl, Ch9 Signoff w SSB |